Wall Wisher is a web tool that allows you to have an interactive cork board. Imagine the ability to post notes with reminders about class trips, even the PDF file for the permission slip, as well as photos and other great items for your peers and students. Wallwisher is simple to use and can be shared or kept private. It is an easy way to share a workspace either with students or colleagues.
Everybody else can then go onto the internet and stick post-it notes electronically onto the wall, (and include linked Pictures, You Tube videos, PowerPoints, PDF documents, Excel Spreadsheets, or web page links). It was originally designed for birthday, anniversary or get well soon etc wishes. A whole group of people could add their messages for someone; and that person could then read them on the web. However, Wall Wisher can be used for educational purposes as well.
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Here is the Wallwisher that we manage to set up during our class for discussion purpose on another web 2.0 which were being introduced to us. If the wall is set to “public”, then online visitors can add a comment to the wall by double clicking on it and typing text in but the comments are limited to 160 characters only for a comment box. If post-its are overlapping on the page, you can move them by grabbing their title bar with the mouse. Mousing over notes highlights them, and brings the note forward. You can delete notes in edit mode anytime.The owner / creator of the wall can log on, and delete inappropriate messages, and move the post-it notes to permanent positions, as well as editing them.
Personally I love the tool, because it is so quick and easy to use. However, the big drawback is that young people could set up a wall for the sole purpose of posting all sorts of horrible messages about someone they do not like (eg. Cyber Bullying). Also “open” or “public” walls could be “flamed” and “spammed” with
inappropriate and unwanted post-its at any time, so it is probably best to regularly monitor walls that you have created, and close any wall down to the public, (by setting it to private), if it starts getting “grafittied” or attacked.
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